The Conservation Behavior Research Lab
We are always looking for excellent M.Sc. students, PhD students, and post-docs.
The lab is based at the Jacob Blaustein Desert Research Institutes in Midreshet Ben-Gurion, located at the heart of the Negev desert, Israel.
Lab members conduct rigorous behavioral research aimed directly at addressing and mitigating conservation and wildlife management problems and advising conservation and management decision-makers. Research in the lab typically combines intensive field work and computer modeling. Successful applicants will be enrolled at the Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies.
Full funding is available for successful applicants.
Potential post-docs should check out this link.
Strong applicants should contact Dr. Oded Berger-Tal (bergerod@bgu.ac.il). Please include a copy of your CV, a statement that described your research interests and goals, and the names of 3 referees