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An exciting beginning

Oded Berger-Tal

Two week ago, Ron Efrat's Egyptian Vultures project officially started with the release of eight captive-bred birds to the wild. The Israeli Egyptian Vulture captive-breeding program is led by the Israeli Nature and Park Authority (INPA) and the birds were released from the Carmel Hai-Bar Nature Reserve, where they were raised. Seven of the Vultures were tagged with GPS transmitters from which we already know that while six remained close to the breeding cages, one immediately left, flying almost directly south. Due to strong eastern winds during the day we tagged the birds, release only occurred the following day. Both the harnessing of transmitters and the birds’ first flights were filmed by Erez Erlichman, a leading Israeli nature journalist writing for Ynet, a major Israeli news website. Erez edited his video to a beautiful movie which you can see below (soon), and wrote an article which Hebrew speakers can enjoy.

Stay tuned for updates as the project continue


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